COVID-19 has affected each of us in some way or the other; be it in a professional capacity or personal, it’s been a major challenge and adjustment to come to terms with.
For businesses like ours, the uncertainty both of the present and future has been difficult to work around, and although our vacation rental homes are open for business, there is a lot of speculation around the future of tourism and travel.
The travel and tourism industry is around $2.9 trillion globally, and Orlando continues to be one of the top-ranking tourism markets across the world.
But with recent travel bans and restrictions, closure of major tourist destinations including theme parks and even malls, and hold on non-essential services, we’ve all taken a hit.
As we adjust to the new normal, here’s what we can expect to see in the next few months and possibly years:
International travel restrictions are likely to remain
As unfortunate as it is, this is a very likely outcome of the pandemic. Although the world over international travel is beginning to pick up once more, it’s a very slippery slope to navigate.
From stricter requirements to limited locations, managing international travel is essential to curbing the spread by ‘importing’ the virus.
The second wave of the virus is essential to prevent because the damages from the first have already wreaked havoc.
Local tourism and travel will see a boom
To compensate for the lack of international and foreign tourism, local tourism is going to see a boom.
Not only with tourism operators and businesses, but those across food and beverage, hospitality, investment, and more, will be seeing greater support from the state.
As tourists resort to local travel opportunities, there is room for growth and immense improvement by businesses in these industries.
Stricter measures to show and maintain safety
Businesses and tourists will have to work together to contain the virus and prevent and chances of an outbreak.
At Blue Travel, we’re ensuring that each of our homes is cleaned to the highest possible standard, regularly disinfecting surfaces, linens, and more.
Our staff is taken care of, and their safety, along with that of our clients is a priority.
But while these are only individual measures, there is anticipation around the other types of protocols that will become commonplace.
From social distancing in public places to limited capacity for once-crowded tourist spots such as parks, restaurants, and malls, there’s no knowing how public spaces will be navigated.
Unfortunately, travel is going to be increasingly more difficult and inaccessible as we try to find safety and stability. For now, however, it’s crucial to maintain social distancing, sanitize and avoid traveling if you’re sick or have been exposed.
If you’re traveling to Orlando, FL, you can book a luxury vacation home where you will be able to enjoy privacy and space, without having to worry about risky interactions and crowds. Reach out to us today.